Michelle P. Jones

Michelle P Jones is the youngest daughter and child born to Rev. Cooper and Evang. Marva E. Bledsoe, an ordained minister, an Amazon International Bestselling author, business and ministry strategist, inspirational/motivational speaker, podcast executive producer/host (Girlz Talk… Real Talk podcast), mother of three (DeShawn, Jeramey and Christian) and the grandmother of four (Amari, Amani, Ayden and August). Michelle believes that knowledge is power and can often be found sharing the wisdom and knowledge she has gained over the years with others to inspire, enable and empower them to live their truth, their purpose, their life OUT LOUD and in living color. Michelle loves to read, write, listen to good music and watch action and Sci-fi movies. Michelle is also the featured author of the Enhanced DNA Publishing "First Friday Blog" titled Purposeful in Stilettos. Check it out in our Blog.
The Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions chronicles the lives of the seven (7) matriarchs of Genesis as it relates to the promises God gave to Abraham when God separated him to create a nation unto Himself. Take this literary journey with me as Hagar and Sarah quite literally birth a nation, Rebekah's contribution and role in the destructiveness of favoritism and how comparison kills in the lives of Leah, Bilhah, Zilpah and Rachel. Discover how their leading men played major roles in their Spiritual and/ or physical relationship with barrenness. While reading, allow the Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions’ characters, experiences, lessons, challenges, disobedience and unbelief to challenge you to recognize your own personal and/or Spiritual relationship with barrenness. This riveting and exciting page turner will inspire you to begin reading your Bible while challenging you to begin developing Abraham’s, Hagar’s, Sarah's, Isaac’s, Rebekah’s, Jacob’s, Leah's, Bilhah’s, Zilpah’s and Rachel’s story into a series of lessons for your Sunday School, Small Group Bible Study, Vacation Bible School and/or Women's Ministry to show how their story is actually playing out in each of our lives today. I think Ecclesiastes 1:9 says it best, “…there's nothing new under the sun.”