Phyllis A. Willoughby
Phyllis A. Willoughby became a licensed Realtor in 1986 only by the Grace of God! She had dropped out of college (Old Dominion University and Norfolk State University) with only 18 hours of school requirements to graduate. She had completed all her major (Marketing) and minor (Economics) requirements. Due to running out of money, she pursued becoming a flight attendant because she loved to travel and loved people. She was on Piedmont Airlines wait-list and worked as a hostess for Fun Tours bus lines. As time passed, she grew more and more depressed with the frustration of not finishing school, not working as a flight attendant and finding a professional full time job. She had been in bed for days then one night she decided she would just end it all. However, she knew committing suicide was a sin, so she was led to read some Bible scriptures and ask God for forgiveness. Then she was led to pray a prayer of humility; she proceeded to tell God all that she wanted in a job so she asked Him to lead her, guide her, and she would follow. Then God showed her real estate...she said to herself “I have no interest in real estate and I don’t know much about it, only a house is a house and a townhome was just that, a townhome. God reminded her of her prayer and she said, “Okay, God I will follow”. God saved her life that night! A Miracle.
Phyllis made a commitment to apply herself, study and not partying until all work and assignments were completed. God sent one of His angels to give her the money for real estate school. It happened so fast, she wasn't sure if she was ready to make the commitment but she heard God’s Voice saying “You asked me to lead and guide you and you would follow.” To God be the Glory! Phyllis knew then it was her mission from God to help educate first time buyers and investors build wealth; providing service beyond their expectations. Real Estate became her ministry instead of a career. She is always praying for or with her clients for guidance and favor. God led Phyllis to business to help people realize their dreams. Phyllis has enjoyed this opportunity for 36 years, servicing the community’s needs. It has truly been a faith-walk….she would take that walk all over again!
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