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Toledo Lopez


Toledo Lopez is a Mom, Transformational and Mindset Life Coach, speaker, trainer and former Reading Specialist. Toledo travels around the world sharing her knowledge and expertise through dedicated workshops based on the needs of her clients. She specializes in helping others create a life of confidence and abundance through personal development, coaching and leadership training. Toledo is on a mission to share her wisdom she learned as a single Mom with others to utilize as measurable action in living their best life.  Learn more at 


Toledo is a graduate of East Carolina University and George Mason University. She received her Masters in Leadership and Technology Management. She is the founder and CEO of Selah Inspiration, LLC and a volunteer at local grade-level schools.Toledo lives in Ashburn, Virginia.


Be Intentional No Matter What


In this empowering book, Toledo shares her experience as a single Mom with the intent to demonstrate how to discover one’s purpose and power in life. After growing up without her dad due to a deadly accident, she understood the importance of providing a healthy, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical life for her children after her divorce. To sustain their lifestyle, she incurred an enormous amount of debt and sacrificed her dreams. Despite the challenges, Toledo transformed her life from being a single Mom who was almost homeless to a six-digit enterprise in one year. This bold transformation has inspired her goal to teach and inspire others that their dreams are possible. Combining life-learned wisdom and her experience as a parent, Be Intentional No Matter What provides techniques and tools to overcome adversity presented by life, others and oneself. 


Toledo Lopez, a determined woman who consciously decided to persevere and to overcome all obstacles no matter what, is a certified Transformational and Mindset Life Coach specializing in helping Superstars (like you!) create a life of confidence and abundance through self-improvement.  Toledo shares measurable actions to support and inspire those facing changes in their life. Life circumstances and challenges may be your choice, or it may be forced on you; either way this book provides tools and techniques to help you overcome and cope with hurt, anger, fears and doubts that can come during tumultuous times. This book will guide and help with the self-discovery that is essential to understanding how to overcome and optimize on any situation. Life is challenging and dealing with changes is often debilitating, however, Toledo shares how you can Be Intentional No Matter What in achieving the life you deserve. 

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