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And the "Write Your Story Contest" Winner is.....

March 14th was “National Write Your Story Day” and to encourage all of you who have put off writing your story, Enhanced DNA Publishing hosted the “Write Your Story” contest. Participants had to:

  • Write a short story (or chapter) that was at least 500 words.

  • Winner was selected by a panel of Enhanced DNA authors (entries were blinded).

  • Winner will receive

- a $100 gift card

- a gift basket of select books from Enhanced DNA authors

- marketing for themselves and their short story


Interestingly enough, the winning story for the Enhanced DNA Publishing “Write Your Story” contest is titled, “VICTORY?!” (Some of the Names Have Been Changed to Protect the Guilty), and we are proud to announce the winning entry was provided by Judy Lombardo!

Congratulations, Judy!

Judy’s story, “Victory?!” is a very personal account of her battle with two brain tumors and her journey as a survivor. Read Judy’s summary of why she wrote this story and submitted it for the contest:

I started writing “Victory?!” in 1993 and intended it to be a full-length non-fiction book. It was supposed to be sort of a catharsis for me after my first brain surgery. But it didn’t help. In fact it stressed me out more than ever. It was just too soon for me to relive all that had happened.

I never expected to survive or live a fairly normal life after my first surgery. I felt that as a survivor, God kept me on this planet to help other brain tumor patients. I needed to do something to help others dealing with this horrible illness for which there is no prevention nor cure.

Then in 2012 I wrote it as a short one-woman play that debuted at IndyFringe. I was then a 19-year, 2-time brain tumor survivor. It got the worst review of all 60 shows at IndyFringe that year. But that didn’t stop me from educating the public on this subject that changed my life – ultimately for the better, in so many ways.

I later performed the show in different formats at Chicago Fringe in 2013 and Hollywood Fringe in 2016.

From “The Kindness of Strangers” to “The Strangeness of Friends” and “Survivor Guilt” I wanted to educate the public and let them know why finding the humor in any experience is important to survival.

In 2012 when I first wrote this as a play, I knew about 20 people who had been through a brain tumor diagnosis. Now, I have met over 200,000 brain tumor patients in 7 different countries through the Meningioma Mommas (and Pappas) Facebook support group. Just by trying to make a difference in people’s lives where and when I can.

The fact that this version of the story was announced as the winner for the “Write Your Story” contest in the month of May is one of God’s coincidences – May is National Brain Tumor Awareness Month. 😊

- Judy Lombardo

At Enhanced DNA Publishing, we strive to develop and nurture current and future authors so they can achieve their writing goals. We appreciate all of those who entered the “Write Your Story” contest. We also realizie that not everyone is ready to write a book and because of the amazing quality of entries, we will definitely be sponsoring future contests, so stay tuned.

Please congratulate Judy on her amazing story and winning the $100 prize! If given permission, we may be able to provide a portion (or all of her story) for those who would enjoy learning of her journey.

Denola M. Burton is the Founder and CEO of Enhanced DNA: Develop Nurture Achieve, LLC. Through Enhanced DNA, Denola develops and nurtures individuals and organizations to achieve their Leadership, Communication and Performance goals and objectives. Denola is also an author and publisher and created the Enhanced DNA Publishing Division of her company where they assist new and newer authors in publishing their books according to the Independent Book Publishing Association (IBPA) standards. Denola retired from Eli Lilly and Company after 27 years where the majority of her career was focused on Employee Relations/Human Resources. You can connect with Denola on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN and Twitter at Enhanced DNA or send a message to


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