Encourage a Young Writer Day Contest
***Young Writers Needed!***
April 10th is National Encourage a Young Writer Day. At Enhanced DNA Publishing, we want to do just that – encourage young writers.
Do you know a young writer (18 or younger) who has a vivid imagination, who likes to read, tell stories and even likes to write? These may be signs of a future author! National Encourage a Young Writer Day is a great time to encourage and recognize young writers and their efforts so Enhanced DNA Publishing would like to encourage young writers by offering a contest where they can get their story published (in the form of a book)!
One lucky young writer will receive THREE MONTHS of author coaching and support to get their book published - at no cost. This includes:
- manuscript review
- editorial services
- cover creation
- paperback publication on Amazon

The first Encourage a Young Writer Day Contest was offered by Enhanced DNA Publishing in 2020 and the winner of that contest was Carnell T. Ellison, an active nine-year-old (at the time) and an aspiring author. His book, “Carnell’s Epic Super Hero Story” was published in 2021 and is available on Amazon as well as in several Indianapolis book stores.
The deadline to enter the 2022 contest is April 10th and the winner will be announced by April 30th. All young writers should submit an original story that can be developed into a book. Note: the young author retains the rights to their submitted stories and any book that is published by Enhanced DNA Publishing. Entries will be judged anonymously by current Enhanced DNA Publishing authors.
For more information, please contact us at info@EnhancedDNA1.com.