Enhanced DNA Publishing is excited to express gratitude to every author and contributor that belongs to the Enhanced DNA Publishing family. During the month of November, we would like to express our gratitude to our authors and would like for YOU to also express your gratitude for your favorite authors and their books. “Reviews are like a hug to an author”, says Denola Burton, Founder and CEO, Enhanced DNA Publishing,. To that end, we would like you to give LOTS OF HUGS to our authors during the month of November and we will show our gratitude to YOU by offering a contest where YOU may win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
Here are the details:
During the month of November:
Pick your favorite Enhanced DNA Publishing authors and if you have read their book, leave your honest review on Amazon or Goodreads. Note: The review must be left on Amazon or Goodreads. Just find the book and click the “Leave a Review” button.
Reviews do not have to be long, they just need to reflect your opinion. Once you have left your review, you can complete this form or let the author know so they can enter you into the contest. If you don't know how to get in touch with the author, you can email us at info@EnhancedDNA1.com.
For each book where you leave a review for an Enhanced DNA Publishing author, you will be entered into the contest. (Enter as many times as you want by leaving as many reviews as books that you have read). Note that there may be a delay for the review to post, so enter it early.
Contest will be open from now through November 30th and the winner of the contest will be chosen/communicated on social media during the first week of December. This will allow time for all reviews to be posted.
NOTE: This promotion is designed to encourage readers of Enhanced DNA Publishing authors' books to submit honest reviews for books they have read and is not soliciting reviews for books that have not been purchased or not read. A minimum of ten total reviews must be achieved in the contest before the gift card will be awarded.
Since many of the Enhanced DNA Publishing authors are either new or newer authors, a review can really assist in getting exposure (or what is called 'social proof' in the publishing world. Social proof provides confirmation for other potential readers that the book is worthy of them pursuing and possibly buying. The more social proof that is provided, the more potential for the author to sell their books to other Amazon customers.
For questions, feel free to contact us via email at info@enhanceddna1.com.
See a review for my most recent book. Short, sweet and to the point!

Enhancing Your Author DNA: Step-by-Step Publishing Guide
Denola M. Burton
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on September 25, 2022
This publisher and author is phenomenal. Calling all authors! You must read this book!
So, you can make a difference to an aspiring best-selling author by providing your review. And, if you provide it during the month of November, you may also win $100 gift card! Are you ready to browse the Enhanced DNA Publishing books and get started?

Denola M. Burton is the Founder and CEO of Enhanced DNA: Develop Nurture Achieve, LLC and Enhanced DNA Publishing. ThroughEnhanced DNA, Denola develops and nurtures individuals and organizations to achieve their Leadership, Communication and Performance goals and objectives. Denola is also an author and publisher and through Enhanced DNA Publishing, assists new and newer authors in publishing their books according to the standards of the Independent Book Publisher's Association (IBPA). Denola retired from Eli Lilly and Company after 27 years where the majority of her career was focused on Employee Relations/Human Resources. Interested in becoming an author? Check out Denola' s newest book, Enhancing Your Author DNA: Step-by-Step Publishing Guide.
You can connect with Denola on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN and Twitter at Enhanced DNA or send a message to DenolaBurton@EnhancedDNA1.com.