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What is an "Independent Publisher"?

Enhanced DNA Publishing is an Independent Publisher (Indie Publisher). But, you ask, "What is an Independent Publisher". Here is an excerpt from my workbook, "Enhancing Your Communication DNA: Publishing for Beginners" that gives some insight into the publishing world.

The terms “Indie Author” or “Indie Publisher” are increasingly claimed by authors who are becoming professionals at publishing. An Indie Publisher is truly an independent who has no other publisher involved in the process. They set themselves up with their own “imprint” or publishing company name (such as mine – Enhanced DNA Publishing) which is recognized by Bowker (the official organization for providing ISBN's for books) as a legitimate publishing company to officially publish books. The Indie Publisher is an entrepreneur who coordinates the publishing process ALONG WITH THE AUTHOR. The author retains ownership of their book and the proceeds from the book. The Indie Publisher either charges a fee for services or sets up a royalty from books sold. This would be established between the Indie Publisher and author in advance. The other role that the Indie Publisher plays is to assist the author in obtaining other author related services such as editing and marketing. These will also be established between the Indie Publisher and author but are necessary in order to meet the IBPA standards of publishing.

Here are some benefits of using an Independent Publisher:

o The author does not need to be an expert in the publishing process

o Total creative freedom and control

o Access to publishing professionals such as editors, graphic designers, illustrators and/or marketers

o Faster time to market

o Sell through any means in a global market

o Higher royalty share than with a traditional Publisher

o Low risk way to test the market

Here are some cons of using an Independent Publisher:

o Less prestige than with a traditional Publisher

o Print distribution into physical bookshops is difficult (Ingram-Sparks is a great option though)

o May have limited access to publishing professionals

If you want more information about services provided by Enhanced DNA Publishing, stay tuned to this series of Q&A about publishing or contact us directly.

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