
William I Brazley Jr.
William I. Brazley Jr. was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated from Western Kentucky University with a degree in Business Management. William has spent most of his career in Human Resources (HR), having earned a national certification soon after completing HR Management courses at Bellarmine University. He has over thirty years of service at a local government agency, and currently serves as their HR Director. He attends First Baptist Church of Jeffersontown, and he loves his church family.
As a child, a good movie was not only William’s source of entertainment; it was his escape from reality. He went to the theatre at every opportunity where he discovered that he loved a good story. But there came a time when those good stories and good movies seemed far and few between. As a self-proclaimed movie critic, he decided to write his own stories.
William writes mainly fiction, laced with reality and humor. He has come a long way from college papers filled with red marks, and a professor who told him that he was borderline illiterate. To this day, William rarely uses a red pen, and he believes that spelling and grammar check have increased his intelligence.
With Capitol Hill as it's backdrop, BEWARE THE POTUS is a thriller in which every character believes in the golden rule - those with the gold make the rules. Newly elected President and decorated soldier, Dale Patton, (no relation to the famous general), has a no-nonsense approach when an American plane is highjacked. He refuses to follow political protocol and has threatened the Washington power structure. The President orders his nemesis, Senator Stewart Dooley, to leave town, discovers an information leak within his inner circle, is threatened with impeachment and faces an assassination attempt, all while dealing with terrorists in the first few days of his administration. Oh yeah, the President's mother-in-law is a passenger on the hijacked plane, which is making life a little difficult around the First Lady.When the perpetrators take refuge in Iraq, the President holds the entire country accountable. The heads of state question his sanity when he threatens Iraq with total annihilation if additional hostages are harmed. Even the President's inner circle become nervous when his threat was challenged because they know that he never, ever bluffs - ever. BEWARE THE POTUS is fast moving and touches on a number of current world events. If you have been frustrated or angered about the way the United States has handled terrorist aggression in the past, you will find yourself cheering for President Patton!
The Messiah's Servant
Two thousand years ago, Simon witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He had no idea that the compassion he showed to a beaten, forsaken, and condemned stranger would result in an indefinite period of servitude. It was hard leaving his family, but having the ability to help others eased his pain. Sustained by the blood of Jesus, Simon has been walking the earth for over two thousand years.
Simon's journey has shown him how cruel man can be. He has witnessed things unimaginable but he will never forget the inhumanity of slavery and the horrors of the holocaust. Yet, his assignments were few and his task was to encourage the confused and to give them hope until Jesus returns.
Simon was first greeted to the twentieth century by local police officers. They felt obligated to question a man walking the streets at night with bloody hands. His explanation did not go over well, and neither did their attempt to arrest him. They would soon realize that there really is “power in the blood”.
Take this journey with Simon - from the crucifixion to modern day. See how Jesus uses him to prove that He has always been with each of us, even through difficult times. Then, watch how the world is mesmerized by The Messiah’s Servant and learn why the name of Jesus is on the lips of every man, woman, boy and girl.