She Became Me: A Letter to My Younger Self
Book Summary
Have you ever thought about your past and wished you could tell your younger self that “everything is going to be alright”? In She Became Me: A Letter to my Younger Self, fourteen amazing women have written a letter to their younger selves to reflect on experiences that molded them into who they became. In these very personal and heartwarming letters, each woman has assured their younger selves that they ultimately were not defined by what they went through – the past was just part of the process to get to their purpose. Take this journey with them and you will learn about their trials, their struggles, their ultimate triumphs that brought them to their purpose and you may find your own purpose in the process.
Contributing Authors:
Destined to be Me: Lentina Rogers My Peace, My Purpose: Ronieka Howell
Reflections in the Mirror: Katrina Garner Dear Younger Self: Janie Sue Flynn
Better Days: Patricia Tate-Robertson Full Circle: La Tosha Walker
Hi Little One: Alva Bronaugh A Little Girl’s Purpose: Treva Shuler
Thansformed: Carmen Green We Grow Through What We Go Through: Jasmine Gamble
Queen: Preciss Stone There is a Hope and a Future: Lateena Pettis
“Listen, Lonnie, Listen”: Yalonda Brown Reason, Season or a Lifetime: Skye Berger